Why Are So Few Women Breaking Into the Security Guard Profession?

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The security industry in the UK remains heavily male-dominated, with women accounting for just 11% of the workforce. This disparity raises the question: why aren't more women pursuing careers in security? All data in this article were used from this survey.

Perception and Gender Stereotypes

The idea that security work is a "man's job" persists, largely due to misconceptions about physical strength. Many believe that men are better suited for handling aggressive situations. This stereotype discourages women from entering the field and makes them feel unwelcome or unqualified.

Workplace Discrimination

Female security guards often face sexism from male colleagues, who may undervalue their abilities. Many women report needing to prove themselves more than their male counterparts. This kind of discrimination creates a hostile work environment, making the job less appealing to women.

The Value of Female Security Guards

Despite these challenges, women bring unique strengths to security roles, such as de-escalating conflicts and providing comfort to female patrons. Their presence is crucial in certain situations, like searching female patrons or entering women-only spaces. The industry needs to break down gender barriers and promote inclusion to benefit from a more diverse workforce.

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